
  • Barclays' energy policy backs tar sand projects with 'big money', say campaigners

    16 January 2019

    Barclays' revised energy policy has been criticised by environmental pressure groups as underwhelming in ambition, as it provides "big money" for tar sand projects.

  • Tar sand pipeline divestment doesn’t fit PGGM’s climate strategy, CIO says

    25 June 2018

    Dutch asset manager PGGM has rejected criticism from Greenpeace that its investments in tar sand pipeline companies do not align with the aims of the Paris Agreement.

  • Norges Bank backs climate and water shareholder resolutions

    20 April 2018

    The advisor to the world's largest sovereign wealth fund has thrown its weight behind climate-related shareholder resolutions with energy companies Imperial Oil and TransCanada.

  • Canadian Solar sells third project in a week, raising C$66m

    06 January 2015

    Canadian Solar has continued its recent spate of deals, selling a plant to BluEarth Renewables for C$66 million ($57 million).

  • Canadian Solar sells eighth project to TransCanada

    05 January 2015

    Canadian Solar has sold a solar project to TransCanada – a corporation specialising in natural gas distribution – for some C$60 million ($52 million).

  • Climate leaders index beats Bloomberg World

    16 October 2014

    A global index of companies taking the strongest action to combat climate has outperformed the Bloomberg World Index (BWI) by almost 10% over the past four years.

  • Analysts warn of Keystone risk to investors

    26 November 2013

    TransCanada's $5.3 billion Keystone XL pipeline, which has been proposed to carry oil from Canada's oil sands to the US Gulf Coast, is a risky proposition for investors, new research suggests.