
  • Liontrust identifies healthcare companies profiting from coronavirus response

    14 April 2020

    Liontrust Asset Management has identified some of the healthcare companies that can play a part in responding to the Covid-19 outbreak, while acknowledging the "morally difficult" implications of profiting from the pandemic.

  • Funds of 2018: Pictet Water

    30 January 2019

    A year of two halves saw Pictet water fund's 'barbell' strategy tested by political wrangling, its managers tell Michael Hurley

  • RobecoSAM recommends water investments to address SDGs

    05 March 2018

    Investing in water companies is an effective way of optimising contributions to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to Swiss investment firm RobecoSAM.

  • Profile: Brown Advisory Large-Cap Sustainable Growth Strategy

    12 January 2016

    Having an environmental strategy can give stocks the edge, Karina Funk tells Peter Cripps