
  • Sustainability-linked bonds: One year after the principles - where to next?

    10 August 2021

    Amid ongoing innovation and accelerating growth in 2021, where should the sustainability-linked bond market look next? Ahren Lester reports

  • Green bond comment, May 2021: Is it the time of consolidation rather than proliferation of bond labels?

    05 May 2021

    There are early indications that the market is looking to consolidate existing sustainable bond labels rather than add further ones to the mix. Ahren Lester asks whether this is a worry for the future of the market

  • Sustainable bond issuance triples in record-breaking 2021 first quarter

    20 April 2021
  • Further 'sustainability-linked green' bonds expected in future, says Mizuho

    13 April 2021

    Hopes are high that the first sustainability-linked green bond in Japan will spark a flurry of others, according to Mizuho Securities, amid expectations that sustainability-linked fixed income instruments will become the main sustainable bond product in the country in the future.