
  • Forestry fund reaches $80m first close

    09 February 2016

    A timberland investment management organisation (TIMO) has reached an $80 million first close on a forestry fund, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • Banking on climate change

    07 December 2015

    Banks need to up their game if they are to address the risks and opportunities presented by climate change, argues Lauren Compere

  • PRI critic Carlisle voted on to board

    17 November 2015

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has elected three new directors to its board, including outspoken critic Sarah Carlisle.

  • Investors push for mandatory ESG reporting

    29 October 2015

    Calls for companies to be forced to report non-financial indicators have been growing, and IOSCO and the WFE now need to take concerted action to drive the agenda forward, argues Tracey Rembert

  • Nearly half asset owners are 'negligently gambling on climate risk'

    27 April 2015

    Nearly half of the biggest asset owners in the world have failed to take action to safeguard their portfolios against the threat of climate change, according to a report.

  • Californian pension funds are wary of coal divestment legislation

    24 December 2014

    Two major pension funds have reacted warily to reports that Kevin de Leon, Californian senate leader, plans to introduce legislation that would require them to sell their holdings in coal companies.

  • CalSTRS sees threefold increase in green bond investment in 2014

    13 November 2014

    California State Teachers' Retirement Systems (CalSTRS) has increased its investment into green bonds almost threefold in 2014.

  • PRI launches carbon disclosure initiative for investors

    25 September 2014

    A group of major investors has agreed to publicly disclose the carbon footprint of their portfolios, as part of a new initiative to encourage decarbonisation.

  • Investors worth $1.3trn make climate infrastructure pledge

    25 September 2014

    An alliance of pension funds and other institutional investors representing $1.3 trillion of assets has committed to try to increase their investments in 'climate-resilient infrastructure'.

  • IIGCC joins Climate Bond Standards board

    14 January 2014

    The Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) has added its weight to an initiative to agree standards for the rapidly growing green bonds market.