
  • Canadian taxonomy useless if it includes new oil and gas, government warned

    19 April 2024
  • How Canada laid the foundations for its transition taxonomy

    07 March 2023

    A project to develop a list of transition activities is set to grow, Barbara Zvan and Jonathan Arnold tell Michael Hurley

  • Canada looks to put transition planning at heart of taxonomy

    06 March 2023

    A proposed Canadian taxonomy to identify 'climate-compatible' investments would require disclosure of transition plans with verification of emissions reductions targets.

  • Canada poised to publish transition taxonomy

    27 February 2023

    The publication of Canada's delayed transition taxonomy is expected imminently, Environmental Finance has learned, but it may be less detailed than previously expected.

  • Canadian financial institutions take flak for taxonomy

    17 January 2023
  • News round-up: Phoenix, Northern Trust, biodiversity and Canada

    13 May 2021
  • Canada launches Sustainable Finance Action Council

    13 May 2021