
  • Multi-national corporates call for UN talks to facilitate carbon markets

    19 October 2015

    A group of 14 leading industrial companies have called on negotiators at the UN climate change talks in Paris in December to deliver an agreement that facilitates international carbon markets.

  • Abengoa's Sanchez Ortega quits, prompting reshuffle

    19 May 2015

    Manuel Sanchez Ortega has resigned as CEO of Abengoa and as chair of its yieldco Abengoa Yield (ABY) for "strictly personal reasons", prompting a rapid management shake-up at both companies.

  • Funds tilt towards energy efficiency

    10 October 2014

    Concerns over energy security and regulatory pressures are driving leading environmental funds to increase their exposure to companies offering energy efficient products and services. Graham Cooper reports

  • Solar, batteries and electric vehicles to render centralised energy a dinosaur, warns report

    22 August 2014

    The combined impact of solar, batteries and electric vehicles has the potential to start disrupting the electricity markets by the end of the decade, analysts have forecast.

  • Profile: Henderson Global Care Growth Fund

    15 May 2014

    Henderson's sustainability themed fund easily beat its benchmark over the past year. Peter Cripps learns about its investment philiosophy – and why it tends to pick energy efficiency over renewables.

  • Lighting and energy storage companies in line for takeovers, says VC investor

    27 February 2014

    Most mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the cleantech sector in coming years are likely to focus on makers of low-energy lighting and energy storage technologies, investors have been told.

  • Indian hero Tendulkar to bat for solar

    18 November 2013

    India's cricket hero Sachin Tendulkar, who retired from the game on Saturday, is to focus on providing solar powered lighting to remote communities in his home nation.