
  • EF BRIEFS: Impax, CCLI, Engie, Vattenfall, Dong, KKR, NJR

    03 February 2016

    Impax Asset Management has sold a wind portfolio to Italian energy firm ERG Group for an undisclosed sum.

  • EF BRIEFS: Trucost, NY Green Bank, Yes Bank, Abengoa Yield, SunEdison, RWE, Samsung

    11 December 2015

    German utility RWE has got the go-ahead to spin off a renewable energy subsidiary, which will be floated late next year.

  • ESG index launched for emerging markets

    24 June 2015

    A new index has been launched covering emerging market stocks with high environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings.

  • The best performing funds of 2014: RobecoSAM Smart Energy

    29 January 2015

    2014 was a tumultuous year many alternative energy investors, but fund manager Thiemo Lang tells Peter Cripps how a 'very active' approach helped it outperform its peers.

  • Financing agreed for 100MW solar project [UPDATED]

    23 July 2014

    A 100MW solar project – set to be among the largest in North America – has secured financing.

  • Pattern raises C$820 million debt for wind farm

    21 March 2014

    California-based energy company Pattern Energy is reported to have raised C$820 million ($728 million) of debt to finance a wind farm.

  • Upgrading the grid

    21 February 2014

    The next 12 months will see energy storage finally emerge from being considered a future technology to a cost-effective commercial solution to grid issues, argues Andrew Jones

  • Samsung agrees finance for Canada's largest solar project

    16 October 2013

    Samsung Renewable Energy has formed a partnership with investment firm Connor, Clark & Lunn Infrastructure and the native Canadian community Six Nations of the First River, to provide equity finance for Canada's largest solar energy project.