
  • Ninety One: Divesting is not impacting high emitters

    11 April 2024

    The real-world impact of investors' net zero commitments is currently unclear, according to Ninety One Asset Management, calling on investors to "shift focus from reducing financed emissions to financing reduced emissions".

  • Why TPI?

    09 April 2024

    Solange Le Jeune explains why FTSE Russell uses Transition Pathway Initiative data to build forward-looking indices

  • Sycomore AM launches transition fixed income fund

    08 April 2024
  • People Moves, 5 April: Brunel Pensions, Railpen, Actis, EFRAG, TNFD and more

    05 April 2024
  • Many biodiversity funds greenwashing, says Lester Asset Management

    04 April 2024

    Many of the biodiversity funds currently on the market are greenwashing, Lester Asset Management said, predicting strong demand for pure-play funds such as the one it recently launched.

  • SDG data platform expands to private markets

    03 April 2024
  • Royal London AM invests £260m in UK regenerative agriculture farmland

    27 March 2024

    Royal London Asset Management has acquired 21,000 acres of farmland in a £260 million joint venture with the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA), which will be used for regenerative agriculture projects and nature-based solutions.

  • People Moves, 15 March: Impax, GSG, Verdane, LOIM, Schroders ... and more

    22 March 2024
  • BNP launches transition fund

    21 March 2024
  • Basel 'faulty'

    20 March 2024

    US banks have urged the Basel Committee to re-draw 'flawed' climate disclosure rules, writes Michael Hurley