
  • EIB issues first green bond in Swiss Francs

    10 January 2014

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued its first green bond of 2014, with its first Climate Awareness Bond (CAB) denominated in Swiss Francs.

  • Impax renewables fund more than 60% committed after new investments

    13 December 2013

    Impax's second investment fund has announced new investments in renewable energy in Italy, Germany, Finland and Ireland.

  • Bloomberg attempts to quantify risk of 'stranded assets'

    09 December 2013

    A tool to help investors and companies quantify the potential risk they face if fossil fuel assets become 'stranded' as a result of government action to combat climate change, has been launched by Bloomberg.

  • French infrastructure investor buys stake in offshore wind farm

    06 December 2013

    A French infrastructure investor has made its first investment in offshore wind, acquiring a 7.5% stake in the German Butendiek project.

  • 8GW of projects make final stage of UK bidding round

    04 December 2013

    A total of 16 projects with a combined generation capacity of 8GW have made it through to the final stage of the UK government's bidding round for subsidies.

  • Irish renewables firm secures €92m in new funding

    02 December 2013

    Irish renewable energy company Gaelectric has agreed additional financing of €92 million ($125 million) to fund further growth of its activities in wind power and energy storage.

  • Impax hikes divi 20% as funds outperform

    28 November 2013

    Impax Asset Management is to hike its dividend payments by 20% after its resource efficiency-themed investments outperformed the wider markets.

  • CF Partners hires COO

    26 November 2013

    CF Partners, an advisory, investment and trading firm active in carbon and energy, has appointed a chief operating officer (COO).

  • Mark Fulton joins CBI to work on green securitisation

    21 November 2013

    Climate investment expert Mark Fulton has joined the Climate Bonds Initiative as a senior fellow working on green securitisation.

  • SolarCity's $54m bond gets BBB+ preliminary rating from S&P

    14 November 2013

    SolarCity's planned $54 million bond issue has been given a low investment-grade preliminary rating by Standard & Poor's.