
  • Energy shot billionaire launches clean energy, water investment company

    04 March 2014

    The billionaire behind the '5-hour Energy' shot has launched an investment company focused on energy conservation and water treatment.

  • Where will the trail lead next for Carbon Tracker?

    28 February 2014

    In little more than two years since the publication of its pioneering research, the Carbon Tracker Initiative has got the financial world talking about 'unburnable carbon' and 'stranded assets'. Its new CEO Anthony Hobley reveals what's next from the influential think-tank

  • Swedish insurer snaps up African green bond

    24 February 2014

    SPP, a Swedish pensions and insurance provider owned by Storebrand, was the sole buyer of a SEK 1 billion ($153 million) green bond issue from the African Development Bank (AfDB).

  • World's first gas-based CCS project wins UK government support

    24 February 2014

    The UK government has agreed to fund an engineering and design study for what could become the world's first carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at a gas-fired power plant.

  • John Laing plans latest UK renewables IPO

    10 February 2014

    John Laing, a UK infrastructure investment company, is seeking to raise at least £160 million ($262 million) for its Environmental Assets Group (JLEN) via a placing and initial public offering (IPO) of shares on the London Stock Exchange.

  • Rating agencies are 'not adequately taking ESG into account'

    06 February 2014

    Credit rating agencies are currently failing to adequately take account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, a conference heard, with some market participants rating their performance as just three out of 10.

  • Canadian fund manager buys £644m stake in world's biggest offshore wind farm

    03 February 2014

    A Canadian financial institution has signed an agreement to buy half of Dong Energy's stake in London Array, the world's largest offshore wind farm.

  • $1.8bn coalition to divest from fossil fuels, reinvest in clean-tech

    31 January 2014

    A coalition of philanthropic funds managing a combined $1.8 billion of assets committed to divest from fossil fuels and increase investments in "the clean energy economy", in the latest sign that the stranded assets movement is gaining momentum.

  • Conservation finance 'has $300bn a year market potential', says report

    30 January 2014

    The development of a market to finance conservation projects could attract between $200 billion and $300 billion of private capital per year, a new report has claimed.

  • An inflection point for energy efficiency financing?

    29 January 2014

    There is a tangible sense of frustration at the slow progress being made in scaling up the European energy efficiency market. Traditional players need to learn from the more dynamic markets in the US, or risk being overtaken by rivals with new business models, argues Steven Fawkes