
  • People Moves: UniCredit, Omers

    16 August 2019

    UniCredit has appointed Eriks Atvars as its global head of natural resources.

  • Marfrig's sustainable cattle bond attracts new ESG investors

    05 August 2019

    Beef producer Marfrig Global Foods was able to attract additional environmental, social and governance (ESG) investors for its $500 million Sustainable Transition Bond issued earlier this week.

  • Beef giant issues controversial Sustainable Transition Bond Framework

    31 July 2019

    The world's second largest beef producer, Marfrig Global Foods, has issued a controversial Sustainable Transition Bond Framework for the purchase of cattle.

  • CalPERS throws its weight behind US ESG disclosure proposals

    16 July 2019

    The largest public pension fund in the US has backed proposals that would require every public company in the US to disclose its exposure to environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks.

  • Green bond comment, April: A return to form

    03 April 2019

    After pausing for breath in 2018, the market for green, social and sustainability bonds surged again in the first quarter of this year.

  • Eurosif likely to set EU action plan as focus of new direction

    22 March 2019

    The European Sustainable Investment Forum (Eurosif) plans to mould its new strategy around implementation of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • China’s NDRC includes ‘clean coal’ in new green guidelines

    08 March 2019

    The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of China has indicated that it deems ‘clean coal’ projects as eligible to receive funding under new guidelines on green finance.

  • Japan's regulator engages financial players on climate risk

    12 February 2019

    Japan's Financial Services Agency is stepping up its focus on climate risk and is increasingly engaging with firms on the issue. Hiroshi Ota and Satoshi Ikeda explain why to Elena K. Johansson

  • Eurosif starts strategic review after Micilotta departure

    18 January 2019

    The European Sustainable Investment Forum (Eurosif) has revealed that it is undertaking a review of its strategy, a week after its executive director’s departure was announced.

  • People moves: World Bank, BlackRock, IIGCC, Partners Group, Greencoat, PRI, SASB, US SIF, Osmosis and Grantham Institute

    14 January 2019

    The World Bank has launched a search for a new president after Jim Yong Kim announced he would leave his role three years earlier than expected, to become a partner at Global Infrastructure Partners.