
  • Eurosif warns on 'profound risks' of nuclear and gas in EU taxonomy

    25 November 2021

    The inclusion of gas and nuclear in the EU Taxonomy would run the risk of undermining investors' confidence in it, Eurosif has warned.

  • Gas, nuclear and the taxonomy: fuelling controversy

    19 November 2021

    The EU is preparing to reveal its decision on whether to include nuclear and gas in its sustainability taxonomy. Michael Hurley presents the state of play

  • Ground-breaking UK climate disclosure plans strengthened with TCFD, scenario analysis rules

    29 October 2021

    The long-awaited UK government response to a consultation on its mandatory climate disclosure plans for major companies...

  • European asset managers association backs 'brown taxonomy'

    07 September 2021

    The €27 trillion ($32 trillion) European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has thrown its support behind the EU's proposals for a taxonomy of significantly harmful environmental activities.

  • People Moves 6 August: Natixis; Eurizon, US SIF and more...

    06 August 2021
  • US SIF hires director of research

    06 August 2021
  • Survey launched on nature-related risks for insurers

    17 June 2021
  • Investor groups welcome 'vital' US climate finance policy steps

    21 May 2021
  • News round-up: Shell, UKSIF, Goldman Sachs and more

    28 April 2021
  • UKSIF urges UK to become a leader in ESG standards

    28 April 2021