
  • UK pensions advised to pursue decarbonisation with climate risk checklist

    26 April 2018

    A checklist for pension fund trustees to consider climate risk in their investments has been launched which encourages UK schemes to adopt targets for reducing carbon-intensive holdings and consider divestment.

  • Climate-related risk will dent oil company valuation by 2020, fund managers predict

    25 April 2018

    About 90% of fund managers expect that the valuation of international oil companies (IOCs) will drop 'significantly' within two years because of energy transition risks such as new legislation, a survey of organisations with more than $13 trillion in combined assets has found.

  • HLEG proposals embraced in overhaul of European transparency code

    19 February 2018

    The terms of a Europe-wide "passport for SRI funds" have been updated to align with the recommendations of the EU Commission's High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (HLEG).

  • Building transparency in SRI

    19 February 2018

    The recommendations of the HLEG highlighted an urgent need to engage Europe's citizens on sustainable finance. Eurosif's updated Transparency Code should help, argues Flavia Micilotta

  • Final HLEG report marks giant strides for sustainable finance globally

    31 January 2018

    The final High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (HLEG) report was released today, marking a landmark moment for the EU that will also reverberate around the rest of the world.

  • PRI, Eurosif urge EU to enshrine sustainability in fiduciary duty law

    24 January 2018

    The UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and Eurosif have urged the EU to formally recognise sustainability as part of large investors' fiduciary duty, saying that such a definition would remove a key barrier to responsible investment.

  • People moves: BlackRock, Orsted Wind Power, Reed Smith, MSCI, CEFC, Fenix, US SIF, Lightsource, Renovate America and Highview Power

    12 January 2018

    BlackRock hires sustainability chief investment officer

  • UK pension funds could be required to state ESG policy

    18 December 2017

    UK pension trustees could be required to state their investment policies on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, as well as their approach to voting and engagement, with the introduction of new regulation next year.

  • Investment consultants pledge to act on ESG guidance

    25 September 2017

    Recent regulatory guidance that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors should be taken into account by pension funds where they are financially material "puts trustees and their advisers under an obligation to react," according to two leading industry bodies.

  • US SIF issues five-step sustainable investment plan for DC pension sponsors

    17 August 2017

    Recommendations to help pension plan sponsors include sustainable investments in defined contribution (DC) retirement plans have been issued by US SIF.