
  • Green bond round-up: Danske Bank, Cassa depositi e prestiti, Kommuninvest, Teonec, NYSERDA, NY State Housing and Vasakronan

    20 March 2019

    Danske Bank has become a green bond issuer for the first time, in a deal worth €500 million ($568 million).

  • Green bonds round-up, 17 October 2018

    17 October 2018

    German commercial bank Berlin Hyp has raised €500 million ($578 million) from its third green Pfandbrief. This takes the total green debt issued by the bank to €3 billion.

  • Green bonds round-up, 3 October 2018

    03 October 2018

    Getlink said its inaugural green bond had been "comfortably oversubscribed", helping it raise €550 million ($635 million) rather than the €500 million originally envisaged.

  • Green bond round-up, 22 August 2018

    22 August 2018

    Bank Australia has raised AUD125 million ($92 million) from its inaugural sustainability notes.

  • Green bond round-up, 8 February 2017

    08 February 2017

    New York's Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA) is gearing up to launch its third green bond, expected to raise $350 million.

  • Green Bond Round Up - 11 January 2017

    11 January 2017

    Yunnan Water has issued a privately placed RMB1.8 billion ($260 million) green bond.

  • MTA to return to market with $500m green bond

    11 May 2016

    New York's Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA) is gearing up to launch a $500 million green bond – its second in as many months.

  • New York State green bond raises $368m and attracts new investors

    20 August 2015

    New York State has raised a further $367.6 million as part of a green bond issue focused on water projects.

  • Strong demand for New York State green bond

    29 July 2015

    New York State has priced the first part of $475 million green bond focused on water projects, reporting strong demand from retail and institutional investors.

  • Iowa issues $321m green bond to finance water projects

    16 February 2015

    A series of bonds, totalling $321.5 million, has been issued by the Iowa Financing Authority to fund a range of water–related projects in the state.