
  • Banks too slow to curb coal financing, say NGOs

    05 May 2015

    Global financing for coal mining and coal-fired power generation remained unchanged last year at about $144 billion, despite the financial distress of leading coal miners and many banks increasing their support for renewable energy.

  • Lima meeting sees several attempts to clarify role of forest carbon credits

    03 December 2014

    Several reports are being launched at the current UN climate change conference in Lima, Peru, which aim to explain the complex situation regarding the REDD+ mechanism for issuing carbon credits to projects that conserve forests.

  • Voluntary carbon standards bodies VCS and CCB forge closer links

    24 November 2014

    Two of the leading standards bodies in the voluntary carbon market – the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) standards – will, in future, be managed together.

  • New Forests registers project under California carbon market

    18 September 2014

    Forestry investment manager New Forests has registered its second project under California's carbon market.

  • Seeing the green bonds for the trees

    11 July 2014

    With the green bond market experiencing rapid growth, a new type of 'REDD+ bond' that supports sustainable forestry and agriculture has been proposed. Rupert Edwards and Gloria Gonzalez explain

  • Neil Woodford buys stake in Leaf Clean Energy

    09 May 2014

    Neil Woodford, arguably the UK's most famous fund manager, has taken a significant share in a US-based company that invests in renewables firms.

  • Call to strengthen Green Bond Principles

    10 April 2014

    The Green Bond Principles should be strengthened to help boost the credibility of the fledgling market, an NGO has claimed.

  • Forestry fund inks first deal

    24 March 2014

    A recently closed forestry fund has made its first investment.

  • New Forests raises A$707m for new fund

    17 March 2014

    Australian fund manager New Forests has closed its latest fund at A$707 million ($642 million), which will be invested in timber plantations and associated infrastructure.

  • California's first forest carbon offset project registered

    11 February 2014

    The first project developed under California's offset protocol for forest management has been registered, marking a "significant milestone" for the state's cap-and-trade system.