
  • LGIM leads push for Nippon Steel to disclose its climate lobbying

    22 May 2024
  • Banks using PRB framework to aid CSRD reporting in absence of finance sector guidance

    22 May 2024

    Some banks are using a framework designed for the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) initiative to help meet reporting requirements under the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), a UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) webinar heard.

  • Gresham House urges UK government to "provide reassurance" on biodiversity net gain

    20 May 2024

    Gresham House has called on the UK government to provide further reassurance on the implementation of the Biodiversity Net Gain legislation, to help scale up private-sector involvement.

  • Extent of Fed's future focus on climate 'hinges on' US election

    16 May 2024

    The likelihood of a follow-up climate scenario analysis or even a first stress test exercise by the Federal Reserve could hinge largely on the outcome of the US federal election in November, a consultant has predicted.

  • Australian government wins investor group praise for climate funding

    15 May 2024

    Investor groups have welcomed a AUD22.7 billion ($15.1 billion) funding package the Australian government has pledged to support the transition to net zero, development of sustainability fund labels and tackling 'greenwashing'.

  • Trump victory would be 'disastrous' for sustainability

    13 May 2024

    Investors would need to step up in advocating for sustainability in the advent of a Trump victory in the US presidential elections, an Environmental Finance conference heard.

  • Set national transition plans - but not transition finance definition, industry groups say

    13 May 2024

    A detailed definition of 'transition finance' would be unhelpful and policymakers should instead focus on providing more policy support and public finance for emissions intensive industries to decarbonise, investor groups told a UK government-mandated taskforce.

  • The private sector must play a much greater role in the sustainability transition

    13 May 2024

    Investment in sustainable landscapes could rise ten-fold, to one trillion dollars or more, writes David Brand

  • People Moves, 10 May: Aviva, DBS, New Forests, Länsförsakringär, ING ... and more

    10 May 2024
  • US banks lament data gaps in first Fed climate scenario analysis

    10 May 2024

    The Federal Reserve's first climate scenario analysis of the country's six largest banks exposed widespread data gaps that threaten to undermine the accurate assessment of climate-related risks.