
  • UN group creates ESG risks guide for life and health insurers

    20 April 2022

    Life and health insurers should consider how environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks affect their underwriting portfolios...

  • UN and Allianz calls for joined up ESG integration on both sides of insurers balance sheet

    27 February 2019

    UN PSI and German insurer Allianz launch new guide

  • Australia and New Zealand to develop sustainable finance roadmap

    27 July 2018

    More than 300 organisations with a combined $10 trillion in assets have agreed to produce a roadmap to grow sustainable finance in Australia and New Zealand.

  • Insurers blacklist illegal fishing boats

    10 October 2017

    More than 20 leading insurers have pledged to stop underwriting vessels that have been blacklisted for their involvement in illegal fishing.

  • Insurers' strategic responses to climate change

    11 April 2017

    The third and final part of this series of features about the insurance sector looks at group level responses to climate change. Peter Cripps reports

  • Insurers call for more spending to reduce natural disaster costs

    02 July 2014

    Increased investment to improve resilience to natural hazards has been called for by a group of international insurers.

  • Charles Anderson named new head of UNEP FI

    24 February 2014

    Former Sovereign CEO Charles Anderson has been appointed the new head of the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).

  • Swiss Re stops 23 transactions on ESG grounds

    19 June 2013

    Swiss Re's latest corporate responsibility report has revealed the firm barred 23 deals last year on the grounds that they did not meet its sustainability risk framework.