
  • UK launches group to advise on taxonomy

    09 June 2021

    The UK government has appointed a Green Technical Advisory Group (GTAG) to advise it on creating a UK taxonomy...

  • Fiona Reynolds to step down as PRI boss

    07 June 2021

    UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) chief executive officer Fiona Reynolds will stand down from the sustainable investment initiative in 2022, amid a planned return to Australia.

  • News round-up: PRI, UNEP FI, DWS and more...

    02 June 2021
  • PRI, UNEP FI launch 'investment leadership programme'

    02 June 2021
  • Investors urged to join sovereign climate performance assessment project

    17 May 2021

    Investors have been urged to get involved in a project to develop an assessment framework for the carbon performance of sovereigns, currently backed by groups including the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) and Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI).

  • US climate risk disclosure bill reintroduced

    16 April 2021
  • BlackRock, Vanguard among 43 new Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative members

    29 March 2021
  • TCFD 'implied temperature rise' metric gets Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance backing

    12 February 2021

    An alliance of investors with more than $5 trillion in combined assets under management has told the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) secretariat that it 'fully supports' development of a measure of the 'implied temperature rise' of assets.

  • Pension consultant climate competency framework published

    29 January 2021
  • How Biden could boost ESG in the US

    20 January 2021

    Donald Trump has left significant ESG policy holes to repair in the US for the administration of Joe Biden, reports Ahren Lester