
  • Quotes of the Quarter

    04 January 2016

    A round-up of the quotes of Q4 2015 that made headlines, including commments from Narendra Modi, Michael Bloomberg and Frederic Samama

  • Public/private-sector coalition formed to promote green investment opportunities

    11 December 2015

    Investors, asset managers, government bodies and others have formed an alliance to promote investment opportunities in green infrastructure.

  • 400 investors demand stronger leadership on climate change to help them invest

    30 November 2015

    More than 400 investors, including some of the largest asset managers in the world, have said they can help address climate change, and are calling for stronger policies on the issue.

  • COP blog: investors raise their voices on climate change

    23 November 2015

    With so much time and energy focused on COP21, stakeholders might be forgiven for thinking that Paris is the endgame.

  • PRI critic Carlisle voted on to board

    17 November 2015

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has elected three new directors to its board, including outspoken critic Sarah Carlisle.

  • HSBC pledges $1bn to green bond market

    12 November 2015

    HSBC has stepped up its commitment to the green bond market, pledging to buy $1 billion of notes.

  • Anti-ESG guidance in US is repealed

    26 October 2015

    Influential guidance that discouraged US fiduciaries from taking account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment factors has been repealed, in "a major breakthrough for responsible investment in the US".

  • Investor-led project to create energy productivity index

    22 September 2015

    The California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) has joined an investor-led initiative to launch what it believes to be the world's first "global energy productivity benchmark for listed industrial companies".

  • UK asset manager accuses PRI of 'losing its way'

    14 September 2015

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has been accused of having "lost its way" by an asset manager hoping to join the organisation's board.

  • Pimco endorses ESG but says green bond market needs to mature

    09 September 2015

    Pimco CEO Douglas Hodge said environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing "simply makes good business sense" and can help investors navigate the themes that will dominate the investment landscape.