
  • PRI issues guide for asset owners on embedding ESG in investment policies

    01 November 2016

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has published a guide for asset owners on how to best embed environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into their investment policies.

  • ESG criteria helps asset managers preserve fees, says Moody's

    12 October 2016

    Growing demand for environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies is allowing active asset managers preserve fees at a time where they have come under increasing pressure from passive investment strategies, according to a report.

  • Who will win the race to become the green financial capital of the world?

    19 September 2016

    Financial centres across the globe are vying to place themselves at the heart of the emerging, low-carbon, resource-resilient economy, reports Hamza Ali

  • PRI to expel poor performers

    12 September 2016

    The Principles for Responsible Investment plans to name and shame the leaders and laggards among its signatories, as it enters its second decade. Graham Cooper reports

  • Handelsbanken - backing sustainability for the long haul

    07 September 2016

    Sweden's Handelsbanken believes its sustainable lending and investment policies help it outperform its peers. Graham Cooper reports

  • Asian banks focus on climate change opportunities, not risks

    06 September 2016

    Asian banks are more focussed on the opportunities arising from climate change than the risks, according to the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC).

  • PRI issues ESG guide for equity investors

    05 September 2016

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has issued a guide to help asset owners and fund managers integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into their equity investment decisions.

  • $13trn of investors call on G20 to act on Paris agreement

    24 August 2016

    An investor coalition representing $13 trillion of assets has urged the G20 to ratify the Paris climate agreement this year and take action to ensure that its targets are met.

  • Large companies are "under-reporting" sustainability data

    20 July 2016

    Large listed-companies are under-reporting key sustainability data, which is preventing investors from playing their full part in the transition to a low-carbon economy, according to a report.

  • ESG is intrinsic to fiduciary duty, says coalition

    30 June 2016

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative and The Generation Foundation have released a statement calling on investors to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues as part of their fiduciary duty.