
  • ICE to host tropical forest protection carbon credit auctions

    18 November 2021

    Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is to host auctions of carbon credits for Permian Global, which develops 'large-scale' tropical forest protection and restoration projects.

  • Boosting profits while combatting emissions

    06 July 2016

    The next 20 years could see a boom in the forestry sector which increases profitability at the same time as solving major environmental problems, says B. Holt Thrasher.

  • Sustainable forestry - a budding market

    10 March 2016

    Investors are increasingly seeing the merits of sustainable forestry. There are numerous ways to invest in this asset class, as Peter Cripps reports

  • Large investors accused of weak sustainable investment policies on forestry

    11 February 2015

    Most institutional investors have "poorly developed sustainable investment policies" regarding forest commodities, according to Forest 500, an initiative of the Global Canopy Programme (GCP), a UK-based think tank.

  • Governments and companies in joint pledge to halt forest loss

    24 September 2014

    More than 30 national governments, 40 companies and numerous NGOs and regional governments have pledged to work to halt deforestation globally by 2030.