
  • Biomass plant in £150m refinancing

    21 August 2017

    A UK biomass plant has completed a £150 million ($200 million) refinancing with a large, unnamed European institutional investor.

  • Glennmont in £160m deal for UK biomass

    21 September 2015

    Renewables specialist Glennmont Partners has agreed a debt package to help finance the acquisition of a £160 million ($248 million) biomass plant in the UK.

  • Canada's Offsetters acquires European assets, plans rebranding

    22 July 2015

    Offsetters Climate Solutions of Canada has acquired several assets from Forest Finance Service of Germany that it says will strengthen its position in the market for carbon offsets and ecosystem services.

  • Glennmont pays £160m for Wales biomass project

    26 January 2015

    UK-based clean energy investor Glennmont Partners has paid £160 million ($240 million) for a 40MW biomass power project in Wales.

  • UK tidal firm targets £50 million fundraise for project

    19 August 2014

    A technology company that develops marine turbines in the UK is planning a £50 million ($83.4 million) fundraise next year, to pay for its first full-scale project.

  • Australia faces laws of unintended consequences

    21 January 2014

    Australia's change of direction on climate change policy is causing concern among the financial community. Graham Cooper reports

  • GHGs: Back to the future

    09 December 2013

    The winners in this year's rankings have triumphed in the face of adversity. They are now anxiously waiting for policymakers to make structural reforms to core markets, just as they were at the turn of the century. Graham Cooper reports

  • Northern lights

    10 October 2013

    While many countries covet the US shale gas revolution, could Scandinavia help lead a more sustainable revolution in Europe?

  • Uncertainty Down Under

    09 September 2013

    Investors and developers active in Australia's low-carbon sectors are facing months of uncertainty about how the new Coalition government's climate policy overhaul will affect them. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • Danish pension fund invests in 'one of the last' UK power-only biomass projects

    14 August 2013

    A Danish joint venture has acquired a UK-based biomass plant from its developer, which warned the project could be one of the last power-only biomass stations to be built in the country because of a recent policy change.