
  • CA100+ investors welcome SBTi validation of ČEZ targets

    18 July 2022
  • People Moves 14 May 2021: SMBC, NTAM, SEB, Credit Suisse, L&G, ISS ESG and more

    14 May 2021
  • Northern Trust hires Georgiev

    14 May 2021
  • News round-up: Phoenix, Northern Trust, biodiversity and Canada

    13 May 2021
  • Northern Trust Asset Management Introduces ESG Vector Score

    13 May 2021
  • UK pension fund launches climate aware emerging market equity strategy

    15 December 2020
  • Northern Trust launches low-carbon EM strategy

    15 January 2020

    Chicago-based Northern Trust Asset Management - which manages $975 billion of investor assets - has launched its Emerging Markets Quality Low Carbon Strategy. The strategy claims to invest with an eye to balancing low-carbon yet high-quality firms.

  • People Moves: UN Environment, Northern Trust Asset Management, Liontrust and United Nations-led Climate Technology Centre and Network

    22 February 2019

    Inger Andersen has been elected as executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to replace Erik Solheim.

  • ESG sector needs more simple data and definitions, says Northern Trust

    17 January 2018

    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) data and metrics must be simplified to reflect the increasing importance of these factors for investors, according to Northern Trust Asset Management.

  • Northern Trust launches first European funds to track MSCI ESG index

    04 October 2017

    Two of Northern Trust's environmental, social and governance (ESG)-themed funds, of up to $550 million in size, will become the first in Europe to track the MSCI World ESG Leaders index.