
  • RGGI carbon prices remain high in latest auction

    08 September 2014

    A clearing price of $4.88 per short ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) was set in last week's auction of emission allowances by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

  • New York offers $250m in grants to large-scale renewables

    30 July 2014

    New York state is calling on investors to apply for funding from a new $250 million clean energy grant.

  • New York State issues $213m water bond

    24 June 2014

    New York State will next week place a $213 million municipal green bond, linked to water provision in the state.

  • Talking about a revolution

    29 April 2014

    The US is leading the way when it comes to innovation in energy efficiency finance, and could be on the cusp of a revolution more important than the shale gas boom, argues Steven Fawkes

  • $3trn investor coalition heaps 'stranded asset' pressure on fossil fuel firms

    24 October 2013

    A coalition of investors worth $3 trillion has joined forces to write to 45 of the biggest oil and gas companies demanding how they are dealing with the threat of 'stranded assets'.