
  • NZAOA laments governments' lack of progress on carbon pricing

    23 May 2024
  • NZAOA members 'split' on sovereign debt climate target-setting

    07 September 2023

    The thorny issue of how to set decarbonisation targets for sovereign debt has split the signatories of the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA), leading to a "compromise" of a proposed scoring system.

  • Church of England Pensions Board leaves NZAOA

    04 July 2023

    The Church of England Pensions Board has left the UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA), citing the need to maintain "a clear focus on one net zero initiative".

  • Every benchmark should include climate indicators, asset owner alliance says

    23 November 2022

    Every standard investment benchmark should include climate indicators, to help asset owners to develop their own custom indexes, the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) has recommended.

  • NZAOA urges policymakers to tackle 'major deterrence' to EM climate investment

    29 September 2022

    The Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) has called for policymakers to make five "urgent" changes to tackle the barriers to blended finance for climate solutions in emerging markets and developing economies.

  • NZAOA members 'nibbling around' climate emergency

    26 September 2022

    Members of the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) need to do more to tackle their impact on absolute greenhouse gas emissions, including from oil & gas and coal, non-profit Reclaim Finance has said.

  • NZAOA members 'red flagged' for not targeting engagement

    21 September 2022

    An undisclosed number of Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) members have been red-flagged for not setting engagement targets in time and face heightened pressure to do so.

  • Cbus leaves NZAOA

    20 September 2022

    Australian fund Construction and Building Unions Superannuation (Cbus) has left the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) voluntarily so it can focus its resources on its "internal activities"

  • NZAOA, AFII launch net-zero fixed income collaboration

    26 May 2022
  • NZAOA: Governments must avoid long-term fossil fuel support

    08 April 2022