
  • Natixis CIB: Transition will be a key growth driver

    05 August 2024

    The French bank feels it is ahead of the game on ESG and hopes the transition to a net zero-carbon economy will help fuel its growth plans, Mohamed Kallala tells Peter Cripps

  • Asia leading Europe on transition integration, conference hears

    04 June 2024

    Asia has moved ahead of Europe in integrating transition into sustainability discussions, an Environmental Finance conference has heard, with investors "finally coming around" to accept potential greenwashing risks of transition investments.

  • Will the SEC's climate rule be a game changer?

    02 May 2024

    Listed companies in the world's largest economy will be subject to climate reporting rules the first time. Michael Hurley explores the ramifications

  • Japan shows value of clear policy to spur transition finance, JCR says

    29 April 2024

    Japan's sovereign transition bond, and its links to government 'roadmaps' to decarbonise high-emitting sectors, shows how clear policy frameworks can catalyse 'transition finance', according to Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR).

  • Net zero frameworks are 'missing' avoided emissions

    06 March 2024

    A standardised accounting method for calculating 'avoided emissions' is necessary to support net zero transition plans, Natixis and Mirova tell Michael Hurley

  • Phasing out fossil fuels requires new transition-away products, says Natixis

    01 March 2024

    Innovative financial tools and products are needed to 'transition away' from fossil fuels and exit 'brown' activities, said Natixis CIB.

  • People moves 11 February 2022: S&P, Jupiter, Aviva, Abrdn & more...

    11 February 2022
  • Natixis announces new director

    11 February 2022
  • Strong demand sees Elsan upsize sustainability-linked leveraged loan

    09 February 2021

    French private hospital operator Elsan refinanced its entire €1.7 billion ($2 billion) of senior debt by issuing a sustainability-linked leveraged loan, after the innovative transaction attracted significant demand from investors.

  • What makes a good corona-bond?

    29 April 2020

    Amid the pressing need to rush out Covid-19 bonds, how to uphold best practice, asks Michael Hurley