
  • NAB declares renewables ambitions after A$205m green bond placement

    20 March 2015

    National Australia Bank (NAB) has said it wants to become a "global leader" in the renewables debt space after underwriting its second green bond.

  • TRIG to issue more shares

    16 March 2015

    The Renewable Infrastructure Group (TRIG) will place more shares on the market as part of its programme to raise £250 million ($370 million).

  • Green bond market poised for global expansion, says BAML

    16 March 2015

    Green bonds are set to expand into new regions this year, as the fast-growing market continues to mature, say analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML).

  • TRIG gives shareholder return of 7.5% in 2014

    25 February 2015

    The Renewables Infrastructure Group (TRIG) gave shareholders a 7.5% return last year, according to its latest financial results – outstripping the FTSE- All Share by 630 basis points.

  • EY becomes climate bond verifier

    20 January 2015

    Auditing giant EY has signed up to be a verifier for a set of green bond standards being developed by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), marking a "milestone" in the development of the programme.

  • 'Do not neglect climate change', Axa warns investors

    16 January 2015

    Climate risk is "a short term opportunity" for investors, as well as a medium and long term consideration, says insurance giant Axa.

  • NAB doubles green bond for Australian renewable energy

    09 December 2014

    The National Australia Bank (NAB) has doubled the size of its inaugural green bond due to investor demand.

  • NAB to launch renewable energy bond for Australia

    04 December 2014

    The National Australia Bank (NAB) will issue a green bond for renewable energy, making it the first Australian bank to tap the market.

  • Debt agreement inked for 'world's largest' geothermal project

    02 April 2014

    A geothermal development believed to be the world's largest secured $1.17 billion in debt from eight banks this week, in a move that could "open the floodgates" for further projects using the technology in Indonesia.

  • Geothermal plant 'close to securing $1.17bn in loans'

    28 March 2014

    Indonesia's largest geothermal project, Sarulla, is reportedly close to securing $1.17 billion of project finance from a syndicate of private and public lenders.