
  • Handelsbanken - backing sustainability for the long haul

    07 September 2016

    Sweden's Handelsbanken believes its sustainable lending and investment policies help it outperform its peers. Graham Cooper reports

  • China to provide unprecedented support for green finance

    05 September 2016

    China's government is gearing up to provide unprecedented support for green finance, according to new guidelines, as the nation seeks to transition to a lower carbon economy.

  • Allianz Risk Transfer launches innovative wind hedge tool

    06 May 2016

    Allianz Risk Transfer (ART) has announced a 10-year wind revenue hedge with an annual fixed payment structure that provides "revenue certainty never before available to the wind industry".

  • PRI, Generation, UNEP FI launch initiative to tackle 'outdated perceptions' on ESG and fiduciary duty

    18 February 2016

    A global programme has been launched by the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) to push investors to consider sustainability as part of their fiduciary duty.

  • Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition: One Year On

    09 February 2016

    Having attracted $600 billion of commitments, the coalition has made great strides but portfolio-wide decarbonisation is still in its infancy and faces significant challenges, argue Rory Sullivan and Lisa Petrovic

  • A maturing market

    17 December 2015

    The catastrophe bond market saw growth slow in 2015, but demand for other risk transfer mechanisms remains strong, says Peter Cripps

  • 'It's becoming harder to keep your head buried in the sand'

    02 December 2015

    As the Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition hits $230 billion, Amundi's Frederic Samama tells Sophie Robinson-Tillett why investors are throwing their weight behind the initiative

  • Environmental pioneer Maurice Strong dies

    01 December 2015

    Maurice Strong, whose pioneering work at the UN in the 1970s paved the way for this week's landmark climate change summit in Paris, has died at the age of 86.

  • 400 investors demand stronger leadership on climate change to help them invest

    30 November 2015

    More than 400 investors, including some of the largest asset managers in the world, have said they can help address climate change, and are calling for stronger policies on the issue.

  • Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition smashes its $100bn pre-Paris target

    27 November 2015

    The Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition (PDC) has landed commitments of $230 billion – more than double its pre-climate summit target.