
  • Investment principles to be launched to help meet Sustainable Development Goals

    23 January 2017

    An initiative will be launched next week to help align business and investment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Comment: The Paris Agreement should not be Trumped

    01 January 2017

    After the celebrations sparked by the Paris Agreement in 2015, followed by its earlier-than- expected ratification, Donald Trump has delivered a shock to the system, says Peter Cripps.

  • Innovation increases in static market

    15 December 2016

    While Hurricane Matthew attracted most attention, 2016 also saw some significant innovation in the cat bond market, says Joe Walsh

  • Annual Market Rankings winners revealed

    09 December 2016

    Environmental Finance is proud to announce the winners in its 17th Annual Market Rankings.

  • GFI's six proposals to make UK an international green financial hub

    14 November 2016

    The City of London's Green Finance Initiative (GFI) has launched a report outlining six key priority areas, to help maintain the UK's role as "the go-to place to connect capital with green" amid growing competition from other financial centres.

  • Circular economy - the next frontier for sustainable finance, says ING

    26 October 2016

    The circular economy, in which the focus shifts from asset acquisition to asset usage, is "the next great frontier" for ING Bank in its efforts to increase its sustainable financing, said Gerald Walker, CEO for the UK, Ireland and the Middle East.

  • Green finance - at a tipping point?

    24 October 2016

    Eric Usher, head of the UNEP Finance Initiative, tells Graham Cooper about the challenges facing the organisation as it prepares to celebrate its 25th anniversary.

  • Insuring in a changing climate

    10 October 2016

    A year after the PRA's landmark report into the insurance sector and climate change, Environmental Finance looks at how the industry is responding.

  • How green tags could boost finance for energy efficiency

    07 October 2016

    Tagging loans according to the energy efficiency of the underlying assets could make a valuable contribution to scaling up green financing, say Nick Robins and Peter Sweatman

  • Stock exchanges increase pressure for ESG reporting

    19 September 2016

    A growing number of stock exchanges are putting pressure on companies to disclose more information about their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.