
  • The role of ESG in fiduciary duty needs clarity

    27 December 2017

    Investors should endorse the European Commission's mission to clarify how environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors form a central part of their fiduciary duty, Nathan Fabian says

  • Environmental Finance announces Annual Market Rankings Winners

    15 December 2017

    Environmental Finance is proud to announce the winners in its 18th Annual Market Rankings.

  • BNP teams up with UN to raise $10bn for emerging countries

    15 December 2017

    BNP Paribas and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) plan to raise $10 billion for climate initiatives through a new partnership, signalling to the finance industry that "business as usual is not an option any more".

  • Voting in Environmental Finance's 18th Annual Market Rankings closes soon

    03 November 2017

    Voting has begun in the Environmental Finance Annual Market Rankings – the largest and most closely watched survey of the world's environmental markets.

  • Consumers go green in China

    31 October 2017

    Companies doing business in China need to be aware that Chinese consumers increasingly care not just about the price and convenience of the products and services they buy, but also their environmental impact, says David Liao

  • Positive impact principles needed to bridge SDG financing gap, UNEP FI says

    27 September 2017

    Increased focus on the impacts of investments in emerging markets is required to meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and bridge a sizable financing gap, according to the UNEP Finance Initiative (FI).

  • Philippines government cedes cat risks to global reinsurers

    16 August 2017

    The Philippines government has agreed a reinsurance programme that will cover national government assets, as well as 25 participating provinces, from up to $206 million in losses from major typhoons and earthquakes.

  • DNB joins project to implement TCFD recommendations

    02 August 2017

    DNB, Norway's largest financial services group, has joined a UN-sponsored project to develop practical ways to improve disclosure and reporting of the impacts of climate change.

  • Banks pledge to help implement recommendations of TCFD

    11 July 2017

    Eleven large banks have committed to develop practical ways of implementing the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

  • Green bond comment: New issues rise 36% in H1

    05 July 2017

    A 36% increase in new issues in the first six months of this year, combined with further signs of maturity in the market, suggest green bonds are entering their second decade in good health.