
  • Green bonds, Chinese style

    01 March 2017

    China was the big story in the green bond market in 2016, with $30.5 billion issued in the year, accounting for nearly a third of global issuance. Carole Ross reveals the idiosyncrasies of this unique market and where the opportunities lie for Western investors.

  • China to launch pilot RECs market

    07 February 2017

    China will launch a pilot national renewable energy certificates (RECs) scheme on 1 July 2017, according to the country's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), in a bid to reduce its subsidies to the sector.

  • China to introduce carbon tax alongside emissions trading - IETA

    24 September 2013

    Chinese industry is likely to face a carbon tax as well as a national emissions trading system (ETS) from 2016, according to the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA).