
  • Industry standard for tailings dam management launched

    06 August 2020

    A global industry standard on how to manage tailings dams from construction through to closure has been launched, described as an "important milestone" towards ensuring zero harm to people and the environment following a series of disasters.

  • Rio Tinto warns industry lobby on thermal coal advocacy

    27 March 2020

    Mining giant Rio Tinto has delivered a dusting down to a significant Australian industry lobby for its support for thermal coal, as part of its review of the industry associations it wants to belong to.

  • Database of tailings dams launched as investors up pressure on mining firms

    24 January 2020

    A database of tailings dams has been launched that it is hoped will inform investor engagement and push mining companies to actively manage the risks of dams failing and causing catastrophic damage to nearby communities and the surrounding environment.

  • Hermes EOS identifies mining companies as engagement focus

    29 January 2019

    Hermes EOS has identified mining companies as a focus for engagement over the next two years, as it looks to build on its 2018 interactions with corporates – about half of which were successful.

  • The green and sustainability loan market: ready for take-off

    20 July 2018

    Green and sustainability loans are the hot new trend in sustainable finance. Could they outgrow the booming green bond market, ask Nick Roumpis and Peter Cripps.

  • Lessons from the Nordics

    19 July 2018

    The Nordic countries are in the vanguard of the green bond market, leading the march in areas such as impact reporting. Michael Hurley asks what lessons the rest of the world can learn

  • Swiss energy storage fund reaches final close at €252m

    27 June 2018

    A range of European pension funds and family offices have invested in the SUSI Energy Storage Fund (SESF), helping it reach €252 million ($293 million) by its final close.

  • Investors urged to engage with companies on physical climate risks

    07 June 2018

    Investors are being encouraged to engage with companies on physical climate risks, both reactively and proactively, by identifying those with the biggest exposure to extreme weather events.

  • PME to link 10% of assets to SDGs

    27 March 2017

    Dutch metal and engineering pension scheme Pensionfonds van de Metalektro (PME) will link 10% of its €45 billion ($48.6 billion) in assets to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over the next five years.

  • Banks making progress on combating climate change

    17 January 2017

    Banks have made considerable progress in addressing climate risks and opportunities in their business practices to align with a 2°C global warming target, but it is still not enough, according to a new report.