
  • Clean energy transition represents $16trn investment opportunity

    03 August 2021

    Pandemic "black swan" has focused minds on ESG, Manulife IM says

  • ESG in Fixed Income Global Series - Innovation showcase roundup

    11 May 2021

    The topic of transition bonds was a recurring theme at Environmental Finance's Innovation showcase conference - the second of six events in the ESG in Fixed Income Global Series of conferences.

  • Investors 'equating green bonds with better credit'

    10 May 2021
  • News Round Up: Amundi, NGFS, Manulife, PGIM, and more

    15 February 2021
  • Manulife launches sustainable Asia bond fund in Europe

    15 February 2021
  • Soilbuild REIT signs maiden SGD80m green loan

    22 June 2020

    A Singaporean real estate investment trust (REIT) signed its inaugural green loan, worth SGD80 million ($57 million) with RHB Bank Berhad and OCBC Bank.

  • Manulife US REIT secures maiden $100m green loan

    21 May 2020

    Manulife US Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) has secured a $100 million green loan from OCBC Bank to refinance a US property and undertake environmental initiatives at other properties.

  • VIDEO: Climate change provides opportunities to the insurance industry - Manulife's CFO

    06 November 2019

    "Climate change provides a number of opportunities to the insurance industry and to other industries" said Manulife's CFO Philip Witherington.

  • Insurers likely to issue more green bonds

    08 October 2019

    Strong reception and regulatory shifts to boost market, says AM Best

  • Fossil fuel exclusion proves a slow burn for US insurers

    07 October 2019

    US insurers say they are ready to stop investing in climate-harming coal. But only one has divested from the fossil fuel to date. Could Chubb’s move be the start of a wider transition by US insurers away from fossil fuels or is it empty talk? Sarfraz Thind reports.