
  • Lloyd's pledges sustainability guidance by end of the year

    22 September 2023

    Lloyd's of London has said it aims to unveil guidance on embedding environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into underwriting and investments by the end of this year.

  • Swiss Re: Lloyd's Lab entry will target private market ESG data issues

    29 April 2022

    Swiss Re has vowed to address insurers' problems with sourcing environmental, social and governance (ESG) data from private companies, via a venture that has gained entry into Lloyd's of London's insurtech accelerator programme.

  • Lloyd's syndicates go green in latest annual reports

    08 April 2019

    Several syndicates in the Lloyd's of London insurance market have used their latest annual reports to highlight the dangers of climate change and how they incorporate it into their risk management practices.

  • Severe natural catastrophes in 2017 leave Europe's non-life insurers nursing losses

    06 September 2018

    Last year's spate of severe natural catastrophes caused Europe's non-life insurers cumulatively to make a loss from covering property damage.

  • Don't regulate us on climate change, say insurers

    27 July 2018

    Watchdogs should not create a separate sphere of rules for insurers to combat the risks of climate change, underwriters have told the peak global supervisory association.

  • Lloyd's syndicates seek $500m to cover 'natcat' losses

    11 April 2018

    Lloyd's of London insurance syndicates have asked their capital providers for more than $500 million, and some have also drawn on letters of credit with bankers, to help cover the financial damage from 2017's natural catastrophes (natcats).

  • Lloyd's criteria for coal divestment fall short, say activists

    03 April 2018

    Lloyd's of London will not invest in companies that get 30% or more of their revenues from coal, generate 30% or more of their electricity from coal, produce 20 million tonnes of coal a year or operate 10GW or more of coal-fired power stations, climate activists said today.

  • Lloyd's announces coal divestment policy

    22 November 2017

    Lloyd's of London has announced it will implement a coal exclusion policy as part of its responsible investment strategy for its central fund.

  • Stranded assets are real threat to industry - Lloyd's

    22 March 2017

    Insurance companies have been warned again about the risk of their assets becoming 'stranded' in the transition to a low-carbon economy, this time by Lloyd's of London.

  • Bank of England warns insurers on potential losses from stranded assets

    30 September 2015

    The transition to a low-carbon economy could inflict heavy losses on insurers, as a result of potential shifts in asset prices, Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, has warned.