
  • People moves: SASB, J.P. Morgan AM, Chronos, Ramboll

    01 March 2019

    Madelyn Antoncic has been named chief executive of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Foundation.

  • People Moves: Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre, CalPERS and E3G

    28 September 2018

    Magnus Billing, CEO of Sweden's pension fund Alecta, has been appointed as chair of Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre's advisory board.

  • Greenlight Capital almost doubles stake in SunEdison

    15 August 2014

    US hedge fund Greenlight Capital almost doubled its holding in solar energy giant SunEdison in the three months ended 30 June, according to SEC filings on 14 August.

  • New advisory firm 'to boost secondary market in renewables'

    12 March 2014

    A new company – MegaWatt-X – has been launched to facilitate a secondary market in renewable energy assets.