
  • Putting transition plans to the test: Transition Pathway Initiative and ASCOR

    13 August 2024

    Investors face a tough task scrutinising corporate transition plans - but an increasing number of tools promise to help. In the second article in a series, Michael Hurley examines the TPI tool and ASCOR

  • Article 9 funds suffered €17bn outflows in first six months of 2024, Lipper data shows

    08 August 2024
  • NEoT Green Mobility gets €60m boost from key investors

    23 April 2024
  • Scope 3 should be kept separate from other emissions, says LSEG

    26 January 2024

    Scope 3 should be kept as a distinct metric from Scope 1 and 2, including in calculations of emissions reduction pathways, the London Stock Exchange Group has said.

  • UK 'Gold standard' transition plan framework released

    09 October 2023

    The Transition Plan Taskforce has published its final 'gold standard' framework for transition plans, which should pave the way for mandatory transition plan disclosure in the UK.

  • Asia 'by far the most important region for the climate transition'

    04 January 2023

    Asia has a key role to play in helping combat climate change, a webinar heard. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • Addressing the adaptation finance gap

    20 December 2022

    The costs associated with climate change are already here and rising fast. A more granular picture of physical climate risk and its economic impact should be used to scale adaption finance today, argues Florian Gallo

  • GHG 'accountability crisis' requires single standard

    25 July 2022

    There is an "accountability crisis" around carbon emissions that can only be solved through government intervention and "mandatory disclosure", market experts warned.

  • EU Taxonomy 'more an opportunity than risk' for shipping firms

    07 December 2021

    The capital access risks posed by the EU Taxonomy regulation are "more an opportunity" than a risk for Nordic shipping firms, according to Danske Bank,...

  • Norwegian oil fund exits stakes in 12 firms on ESG concerns

    13 May 2020

    The giant Norwegian oil fund has excluded a dozen companies from investment due to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, including mining giants such as Anglo American, Glencore and Vale in which it was a major shareholder.