
  • People Moves: Signal Capital, LGIMA, NordIX and Smart Pension

    13 July 2018

    Sarbjit Nahal has joined private asset management firm Signal Capital as a partner and will lead its efforts to integrate themes into the investment decision process for both existing funds and future development plans.

  • People Moves: Tideway, CalSTRS and Nature Conservancy

    06 July 2018
  • Climate Action 100+ expands its reach and attracts new backers

    04 July 2018

    An additional 61 companies have been added to Climate Action 100+ list, increasing the reach of the investor-backed initiative that aims to engage with "systemically important greenhouse gas emitters".

  • LGIM launches Future World fund for DC schemes

    19 June 2018

    A multi-asset fund for defined contribution (DC) schemes that 'tilts' toward top-performing companies based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors has been added to the award-winning Future World family of funds.

  • Create green rating for sovereign bond issuers, says Belgian Debt Agency

    19 June 2018

    Sovereigns could benefit from the creation of ‘green ratings’ which would replace the need for green bond issues, the Belgian Debt Agency has argued.

  • ABP, ERAFP, and First State Super among scenario analysis leaders

    15 June 2018

    Many leading global asset owners have already begun to perform scenario analysis and apply key findings to their climate strategies, a report by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) has found.

  • How Trump inspired climate action by US companies and cities

    08 June 2018

    Companies and cities across the US have taken on a leadership role in terms of climate change action, since President Trump pulled the country out of the Paris Agreement 12 months ago, says Lance Pierce.

  • £29bn UK pension pool unveils responsible investment strategy

    11 May 2018

    The £29 billion ($39 billion) Brunel Pension Partnership pool of 10 UK local government pension scheme (LGPS) funds has published its responsible investment strategy.

  • Investors round on Rio Tinto's funding of fossil fuel lobby groups

    27 April 2018

    Rio Tinto will face mounting pressure at its annual general meeting (AGM) as investors with a combined £1.8 trillion ($2.5 trillion) take aim at its policy on funding lobby groups that obstruct action to combat climate change.

  • Belgium plans to grow sovereign green bond to €10bn

    28 February 2018

    A €4.5 billion ($5.5 billion) sovereign green bond issued by Belgium this week is expected to grow to a size of about €10 billion within four years, the Belgian Debt Agency said.