
  • KfW launches Latin America green bond fund

    11 November 2021

    KfW has invested €74 million ($86 million) in a Latin America green bond fund the German development bank has initiated...

  • Ground-breaking BlackRock public-private EM climate fund exceeds target

    02 November 2021

    BlackRock has announced its flagship public-private financing Emerging Market (EM) climate infrastructure investment fund has raised more than $670 million...

  • KfW expects to 'significantly' exceed 2021 green bond issuance target

    22 September 2021

    German development bank KfW expects to "significantly" exceed its targeted green bond issuance total in 2021..

  • Sustainability-linked bond growth softens second quarter sustainable bond slowdown

    13 July 2021

    Sustainability-linked bond issuance in the second quarter of 2021 tripled on the first three months of the year...

  • Environmental Finance celebrates World Oceans Day

    07 June 2021

    To coincide with the UN World Oceans Day, Environmental Finance will host a thematic briefing afternoon focusing on oceans and the blue economy, to examine one of the most exciting areas of natural capital investment.

  • Change on the horizon for green bond impact reporting

    04 February 2021

    Proposals for an EU Green Bond Standard (GBS) and the pending launch of a platform designed to make it easier for investors to access data signal change for green bond impact reporting, according to participants of a webinar on the subject.

  • KfW plans to raise €10bn from green bonds in 2021

    16 December 2020

    German development bank KfW is planning to issue up to €10 billion ($12.1 billion) in green bonds in 2020, after raising a record €8.3 billion in 2020, and proposes achieving a net-zero emissions loan portfolio by 2050.

  • BlueOrchard launches Covid-19 support impact fund

    09 November 2020

    BlueOrchard Finance has launched a $140 million impact fund to help financial institutions provide financing to micro, small and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) in emerging and frontier markets as they respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • News round-up: Investors go to work on deforestation, DFIs go fossil fuel-free

    05 November 2020

    €1.8trn of investors urge companies to tackle deforestation

  • Green bond comment, November: Time is ripe for sovereigns to finally step up

    04 November 2020

    Sovereign green bonds experienced a bumper September, with several new issuers, but Ahren Lester argues other hesitant sovereigns should step-up ahead of COP26 next year to light up this potentially significant market