
  • Tokio Marine joins Net-Zero Insurance Alliance

    19 January 2022

    Physical risks from warming a "prudential issue" for Asia's regulators, says Japan's FSA

  • Bank of Japan provides $18bn in interest-free climate loans

    24 December 2021

    Japan's central bank has begun to provide interest-free 'climate response' loans worth up to JPY2 trillion ($18 billion) to encourage investment in decarbonisation.

  • Japanese TCFD supporters labour to disclose climate resilience

    30 November 2021

    Two-thirds of Japanese supporters of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) have yet to provide climate scenario-based analysis of their resilience, showing the size of the challenge of meeting the recommendations in a country regarded as a TCFD pioneer.

  • Ground-breaking BlackRock public-private EM climate fund exceeds target

    02 November 2021

    BlackRock has announced its flagship public-private financing Emerging Market (EM) climate infrastructure investment fund has raised more than $670 million...

  • Moody's: Japan's FSA ESG disclosures may have limited immediate usefulness

    02 September 2021

    Forthcoming mandatory ESG disclosure requirements from Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) may have short-term limitations, Moody's Investors Service has said.

  • Bank of Japan climate change loan facility 'credit positive' for banks

    22 July 2021

    The climate change loan facility to be extended to lenders by the Bank of Japan (BoJ) is "credit positive" for Japanese banks...

  • Japanese regulator publishes draft social bond guidelines

    22 July 2021

    The Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) has published its proposed Social Bond Guidelines (SBG)...

  • BOJ to fund climate projects in return for disclosures

    16 July 2021

    The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has said it will help fund financial institutions' projects addressing climate change ...

  • Bank of Japan to launch climate change investment fund

    21 June 2021

    The Bank of Japan (BOJ) plans to launch a fund later this year for investments in projects that address climate change.

  • Japan's FSA publishes bond & loan 'transition finance guidelines'

    07 May 2021

    Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) has published Basic guidelines on climate transition finance, with the aim of encouraging "more funds for activities that contribute to achieving [the national government's goal of] 2050 carbon neutral[ity]".