
  • Green bond round-up, 21 Nov

    21 November 2018

    US real estate company Boston Properties has raised $1 billion from its inaugural green bond.

  • Asia poised to recharge green bond market, says BAML

    19 June 2015

    Asia is set to kickstart the next wave of growth in the green bond market, say analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML), who identify six bonds in the pipeline.

  • Chinese analysts call for differential pricing for green bonds

    25 March 2015

    Policy-makers should ensure green debt products enjoy a price advantage over conventional debt, to encourage the growth of a green bond market in China, analysts say.

  • Robins to leave HSBC to spearhead UNEP Inquiry

    28 January 2014

    Nick Robins is to step down as head of HSBC's Climate Change Centre to help lead a United Nations Environment Programme inquiry into how to green the world's economy.