
  • 'Naive' to think nature disclosures will help scale up investment, UK MPs hear

    12 April 2024

    Improvements to nature disclosure frameworks may not translate into immediate investment, a UK government committee has heard, whilst Gresham House called for further investor action on the issue.

  • Defining transition finance: how to be inclusive yet specific

    28 September 2020

    Transition finance has garnered a lot of attention, but the challenge of delineating what exactly it is remains unresolved. Three recent reports try to balance the need for the definition to be both broad enough to be inclusive, yet specific enough to protect the instruments from claims of greenwashing. Ahren Lester reports.

  • Climate change increases cost of debt for developing countries

    06 August 2018

    The intensification of climate risks and the degree to which they are accurately priced by financial markets are of increasing concern to global economic stability. However, as awareness around those risks has risen over the last years, there is still a long way to go to consistently measure and monitor their costs, which can result in substantial gains or losses for institutional investors. Vincent Huck reports

  • Energy companies 'underestimate' low-carbon potential

    03 February 2017

    Energy companies are underestimating the growth of solar photovoltaic (PV) and electronic vehicles in their market outlooks, according to a report.

  • UK renewables reach important – but modest – milestone

    07 July 2014

    As the UK's share of electricity generated from renewable sources approaches 20%, Seb Beloe hails the achievement, but says there is much further to go.