
  • Corporates converge to increase sustainable finance influence

    15 January 2019

    A group of Europe’s largest corporate issuers of green and sustainable bonds has created a forum to help ‘put business at the forefront’ of the transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • Corporates confirm their commitment to green bonds

    12 December 2017

    A group of Europe's largest industrial issuers of green bonds have made a formal pledge to promote the future growth of the market.

  • September smashes records with a dozen mini-benchmarks

    04 October 2017

    September set a new monthly record for the value of green bonds issued, with $16.1 billion of deals having settled in the month.

  • Green bond comment: Back to work!

    06 September 2017

    The summer holiday is over for the green bond market.

  • French property group uses green bonds to boost CSR effort

    05 September 2017

    French real estate investor Icade has issued a green bond to support its corporate social responsibility (CSR) ambitions.