
  • Mobilising renewables investment in uncertain times

    18 September 2013

    Initiatives are underway to boost investments in European renewable energy, but the vast amount of private capital needed to transition the EU to a low-carbon economy must be unlocked by stronger policies, argues Stephanie Pfeifer

  • Financial rewards drive emissions reductions, says CDP

    12 September 2013

    Financial incentives for employees, particularly at board level, are powerful drivers of corporate action on climate change, according to a major new survey.

  • EU carbon prices hit five-month high after free allowance cut

    06 September 2013

    European carbon prices have climbed above €5 ($6.58) for the first time since April after a reduction of free allocations to installations in the oversupplied market was confirmed.

  • RenRe Energy Advisors sold for 'mid double-digit million dollars'

    03 September 2013

    Munich Re is to pay a "mid double-digit million" dollar price to acquire RenRe Energy Advisors, a leading weather derivatives dealer, from Bermuda-based RenaissanceRe Holdings.

  • SolarCity sells shares and notes to raise more than $200m

    30 August 2013

    Solar financing company SolarCity has announced plans to raise $223.5 million by selling shares and convertible notes.

  • South-east Asia clean energy fund raises $130m

    29 August 2013

    A clean energy fund has raised $130 million to invest in small-scale renewable energy and resource efficiency in South-east Asia.

  • Floods leave insurers with $8bn of claims in H1

    22 August 2013

    This calendar year is already the second most expensive on record in terms of insured losses caused by floods, a report has claimed, after an estimated $8 billion of claims in the first-half.

  • Building bridges

    15 August 2013

    Linking the raft of emissions trading systems springing up across the globe is an important step towards forging a worldwide carbon market. But if not implemented correctly, the process could undermine emission reduction efforts, warn Claudia Gibis and Alexandra Zirkel.

  • EU-China solar trade deal 'relief' for investors

    30 July 2013

    A compromise suggested by the EU and China in their long-running solar trade dispute has been hailed as a relief for investors, but could deal a further blow to Europe's solar manufacturers and installers.

  • Renewables sector to triple insurance spending by 2020 'to attract new investors'

    25 July 2013

    The renewables sector's spending on risk management products could surge by end of the decade as the industry seeks to unlock finance from risk-averse investors, a report has claimed.