
  • RGGI proceeds provide $700m for low-carbon energy projects

    25 February 2014

    The nine US states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) have invested more than $700 million of proceeds from the programme to curb energy use and reduce carbon emissions.

  • Charles Anderson named new head of UNEP FI

    24 February 2014

    Former Sovereign CEO Charles Anderson has been appointed the new head of the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).

  • Conergy eyes UK's sophisticated solar repackaging market

    20 February 2014

    The UK has become the most advanced market in the world for raising capital for 'repackaged' solar assets, the new owner of Conergy has claimed.

  • Energy efficiency, cities, and the Clean Trillion

    14 February 2014

    $36 trillion in clean energy investment is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Ten cities are stepping up to the plate and investors are likely to follow, argues Brandon Smithwood

  • Terra Firma's head of renewables fundraising 'asked to leave'

    13 February 2014

    Terrra Firma head Guy Hands has reportedly shown the door to the executive in charge of raising capital for its planned $2 billion renewables fund.

  • UK floods could cost £1bn, says insurer

    11 February 2014

    The cost of damage and disruption caused by extensive flooding across the south and west of the UK this winter could reach £1 billion ($1.6 billion), an insurance specialist has warned.

  • Huron Capital eyes opportunities in energy efficiency

    10 February 2014

    Private equity firm Huron Capital Partners is to target investments in energy efficiency.

  • John Laing plans latest UK renewables IPO

    10 February 2014

    John Laing, a UK infrastructure investment company, is seeking to raise at least £160 million ($262 million) for its Environmental Assets Group (JLEN) via a placing and initial public offering (IPO) of shares on the London Stock Exchange.

  • Connecticut's green bank in $5m solar crowdsourcing deal

    07 February 2014

    Connecticut's green bank has invested $5 million to help kickstart an initiative to crowdsource loans for residential solar rooftop projects in the state.

  • An inflection point for energy efficiency financing?

    29 January 2014

    There is a tangible sense of frustration at the slow progress being made in scaling up the European energy efficiency market. Traditional players need to learn from the more dynamic markets in the US, or risk being overtaken by rivals with new business models, argues Steven Fawkes