
  • World's biggest sovereign wealth fund discloses divestments

    12 February 2015

    The world's largest sovereign wealth fund, Norway's Government Pension Fund Global, has revealed more details about its divestments as part of a move to "think long-term and protect value for future generations".

  • Large investors accused of weak sustainable investment policies on forestry

    11 February 2015

    Most institutional investors have "poorly developed sustainable investment policies" regarding forest commodities, according to Forest 500, an initiative of the Global Canopy Programme (GCP), a UK-based think tank.

  • 'Do not neglect climate change', Axa warns investors

    16 January 2015

    Climate risk is "a short term opportunity" for investors, as well as a medium and long term consideration, says insurance giant Axa.

  • Governments and companies in joint pledge to halt forest loss

    24 September 2014

    More than 30 national governments, 40 companies and numerous NGOs and regional governments have pledged to work to halt deforestation globally by 2030.

  • CBD Energy targets "significant growth" with Thai acquisition

    14 August 2014

    Australian clean energy firm CBD Energy (CBDE) has acquired an equity interest in solar developer Environmental Engineering Group Thailand (EEG), which it says will give it access to a major pipeline of projects.

  • 'First Asian green bond' issued [UPDATED]

    18 July 2014

    Taiwan-based firm the Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) Group has issued a $300 million green bond – thought to be the first to come out of Asia.

  • Terra Firma 'makes progress with £1.5bn' Infinis sale

    05 August 2013

    Private equity giant Terra Firma has reportedly made progress in its attempt to find a buyer for its clean energy company Infinis, in a move expected to generate about £1.5 billion ($2.3 billion).

  • Renewables' missing link

    18 July 2013

    The Achilles heel of wind and solar has traditionally been the intermittency that renders production unpredictable. But advances in technology mean energy storage is now ready to help the renewables sector scale up. Andrew Jones explains.

  • Bullish outlook for energy storage, say analysts

    17 July 2013

    Increasing power generation from wind farms and solar panels coupled, in many countries, with high electricity prices and declining feed-in tariffs, will trigger a five-fold increase in demand for energy storage systems by 2020, analysts predict.