
  • IAASB brings forward sustainability assurance consultation

    24 April 2023

    The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has brought forward the planned date for consultation on an international standard for assurance of sustainability-related information, citing public feedback which urged it to do so.

  • Carbon markets waiting on details before using Integrity Council principles, says IETA

    21 April 2023

    Carbon market participants are waiting for more detail from the Integrity Council before they apply its core carbon principles, the International Emissions Trading Association has said.

  • MAS developing ESG ratings code of conduct

    20 April 2023

    The Monetary Authority of Singapore is supporting work to create an ESG code of conduct which will ask ESG ratings and data providers to disclose how transition risks are factored into their products.

  • Controversial sustainable agriculture products poised for growth, says Morningstar

    20 April 2023

    Genetically modified (GM) seeds and fertilisers will flourish in the shift towards a more sustainable agricultural future, despite safety concerns, a Morningstar executive said.

  • Hong Kong to make ISSB-aligned disclosures mandatory

    19 April 2023

    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing has announced plans to make climate-related disclosures mandatory in ESG reports from 1 January, 2024.

  • Investors 'given free hand' to define sustainable investment under SFDR

    19 April 2023

    The European Commission has declined a request to define what constitutes a sustainable investment under SFDR, a decision which has split industry experts, Michael Hurley writes

  • Article 8 funds set to increase in 2023, says Fitch Ratings

    13 April 2023

    The number of EU 'Article 8' sustainable funds is expected to "moderately increase" over the next year - despite stricter eligibility requirements, Fitch Ratings has said.

  • PfP Capital and Housing Growth Partnership launch housing joint venture

    12 April 2023
  • €1.1trn investor coalition calls on TotalEnergies to cut Scope 3 emissions

    06 April 2023

    A coalition of 17 investors, which represent around €1.1 trillion ($1.2 trillion) in assets under management, has urged TotalEnergies to align its Scope 3 emissions reductions targets with the Paris Agreement.

  • SDI AOP launches SDG investment assessment platform

    03 April 2023

    The Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP) has launched an online platform, which it said will allow investors to assess the contribution of their portfolios to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).