
  • Brazil's first solar auction completed

    03 January 2014

    The Brazilian state of Pernambuco has awarded developers contracts to build 123MW of solar power for an average price of R$229 (US$96) in the country's first solar auction.

  • UK Green Investment Bank in £250m waste-to-energy deal

    24 December 2013

    The UK's Green Investment Bank has helped finance a £250 million waste-to-energy plant.

  • China launches fourth and biggest carbon market

    17 December 2013

    China's fourth pilot carbon market has begun operating in Guangdong, the country's most populous province.

  • IIRC launches integrated reporting framework

    10 December 2013

    A framework to help companies expand their reports beyond financial metrics and include measures of sustainability has been launched, marking "an important milestone" in the evolution of 'integrated reporting'.

  • GHGs: Back to the future

    09 December 2013

    The winners in this year's rankings have triumphed in the face of adversity. They are now anxiously waiting for policymakers to make structural reforms to core markets, just as they were at the turn of the century. Graham Cooper reports

  • 'Responsibility reporting is now mainstream, but still not linked to performance'

    09 December 2013

    The majority of big companies produce Corporate Responsibility (CR) reports but only 5% are linked to financial performance, leaving them open to accusations that they are merely 'greenwash', an event to mark the launch of a new study heard.

  • Bloomberg attempts to quantify risk of 'stranded assets'

    09 December 2013

    A tool to help investors and companies quantify the potential risk they face if fossil fuel assets become 'stranded' as a result of government action to combat climate change, has been launched by Bloomberg.

  • Willis and Endurance in innovative Australian weather derivatives deal

    03 December 2013

    Willis and Endurance Global Weather have completed a weather derivatives deal to protect a mining firm against the financial impacts of cyclones and heavy rainfall during the construction of a major project.

  • Braine takes reins at IETA

    03 December 2013

    The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) has appointed Bruce Braine, a vice-president responsible for strategic policy analysis at American Electric Power, as its new chairman. He replaces David Hone, senior climate change adviser at Shell, who is stepping down after three years in the role.

  • People moves

    02 December 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, including appointments at Calvert Investments, CF Partners, Conergy, the Climate Bonds Initiative and more