
  • Renewables investor sentiment hit by Brexit, in Europe as well as UK

    24 June 2016

    The UK's shock Brexit decision will hurt investor sentiment in clean energy projects in the EU as well as the UK, it was claimed today.

  • ESG ratings for funds

    22 June 2016

    Sustainability scores for funds are not perfect, but are a useful addition to the many tools available to responsible investors, reflects Hamza Ali

  • PRI 'can't be both promoter and examiner' of responsible investment

    22 June 2016

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) cannot remain both the "promotor and examiner" of responsible investment, according to a panel of industry leaders.

  • The changing climate for investors

    20 June 2016

    Just as the transition to a low-carbon economy is gathering pace, so are investors' responses.

  • Q&A: The FTSE4Good semi-annual review

    20 June 2016

    Danone was among companies added to the FTSE4Good Index today, as tougher inclusion criteria begin to bite. David Harris, ESG director at FTSE Russell provides further information

  • 'The irresistible force'

    17 June 2016

    Investors are increasingly demanding that companies disclose material climate risks. CalPERS' Anne Simpson tells Peter Cripps why

  • Brexit could see the UK lose €3.61bn of EIB green investments

    14 June 2016

    The UK may lose up to €3.61 billion ($4.05 billion) climate-related spending from the European Investment Bank (EIB), if it votes to leave the EU later this month, according to S&P Global Ratings.

  • Inconsistency of ESG data can help boost investment returns, says Calvert

    14 June 2016

    The inefficiency of the market in environmental, social and governance (ESG) data creates opportunities for investors who understand these issues to boost returns without adding extra risk, according to research from Calvert Investment Management.

  • Engie's notes to be removed from Barclays MSCI green bond index

    13 June 2016

    Engie's notes have been removed from the Barclays MSCI green bond index, following a long-awaited review of its rules.

  • EF BRIEFS: Gaelectric, Massachusetts, Mercer, RGGI

    06 June 2016

    Renewable energy firm Gaelectric has reached agreement with Nord/LB on £67 million ($97 million) of senior debt that ensures financial close on a portfolio of five UK wind farms.