
  • People Moves - GIIN, A4S, Solactive

    13 January 2017

    The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) has recruited Ashley Elliot as global liaison for East Africa.

  • GIB's offshore wind fund passes £1bn in AUM with final investment

    13 January 2017

    The Green Investment Bank's (GIB) offshore wind fund made its final investment, acquiring a 44% stake in Lincs offshore wind farm for £429 million ($524.4 million), to take its assets under management (AUM) to £1.12 billion.

  • NN IP mulls ESG scoring for infrastructure investments

    13 January 2017

    NN Investment Partners (IP) is considering scoring its infrastructure investments on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials.

  • IMO lobbies against inclusion of shipping in EU ETS

    11 January 2017

    The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has added its weight to the campaign against plans to include shipping in the European Union's Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

  • Green Bond Round Up - 11 January 2017

    11 January 2017

    Yunnan Water has issued a privately placed RMB1.8 billion ($260 million) green bond.

  • Showing leadership in the Canadian dollar green bond market

    11 January 2017

    Ontario is committed to developing the Canadian dollar green bond market, while also enhancing impact reporting, project selection and transparency. Michael Manning explains

  • IIGCC appoints Damgaard Jensen new chair

    10 January 2017

    The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) has appointed PKA CEO Peter Damgaard Jensen as its new chair.

  • Green bonds round-up

    04 January 2017

    Chinese property company Modern Land has issued a $150 million tap of its inaugural green bond.

  • Export Import Bank of China issues green bond

    22 December 2016

    The Export Import Bank of China (Chexim) has issued a RMB1 billion ($145 million) green bond, making it the first Chinese policy bank to do so.

  • Ship owners and NGOs object to EU ETS reform proposals

    19 December 2016

    A proposed revision of the EU's pioneering Emissions Trading System (ETS) is facing strong opposition from ship owners and some environmental NGOs.