
  • SASB and IIRC merge to help simplify reporting

    26 November 2020

    The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) are to come together to form a new organisation, the Value Reporting Foundation.

  • IIRC seeking feedback as it revises the International Framework

    24 February 2020

    The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is updating its International Framework, calling for market feedback on specific themes that will inform the nature and direction of the revision.

  • People moves: SIM, IIRC, Swiss Life, Brunel Pension, SUSI, Nordea

    05 July 2019
  • ESG data must be forward-looking, say panellists

    20 May 2019

    Investors must have forward-looking environmental, social and governance (ESG) data to be able to assess whether companies are able to tackle challenges they face during times of change, delegates at a conference of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) heard.

  • CDSB and SASB team up to deliver TCFD 'how-to' guide

    01 May 2019

    The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) have jointly published a 'how-to' guide to help implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) into mainstream corporate reports.

  • Major reporting standards launch streamlining project

    09 November 2018

    Major reporting bodies have announced a project to align their frameworks, in an effort that could result into more comparable, robust and integrated data for sustainable investors.

  • People Moves: CalPERS, Sustainable Development Capital, IIRC, MSCI and Innergex

    05 October 2018

    Jason Perez has joined California Public Employees' Retirement System's (CalPERS) board of administration, ousting ESG advocate Priya Mathur.

  • Project to harmonise reporting standards set for launch

    08 August 2018

    The Corporate Reporting Dialogue (CRD), a collaboration of major corporate reporting frameworks and standards, is planning to launch a harmonisation project.

  • Should non-financial reporting frameworks be harmonised?

    08 August 2018

    There is a baffling array of sustainability-focused reporting frameworks and standards. Would it be beneficial to bring them into alignment, asks Elena Johansson.

  • Integrated reporting database launched

    08 August 2018

    The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has launched an academic database allowing access to research on integrated reporting.